Sunday, December 13, 2009
Sunday, November 29, 2009 - Woman shot in fight over money
One of the many incidences when drugs and gangs cause harm to our communities. - Woman shot in fight over money - Woman shot in fight over money
Friday, November 20, 2009
Thursday, November 12, 2009 - Police searching for suspects in Midvale home invasion
Drug gang related Home Invasion (after)Recent Drug and Cash Seizure in Home! - Police searching for suspects in Midvale home invasion - Police searching for suspects in Midvale home invasion - Deputies: Kids used as decoys to hide cocaine smuggling
$2 million dollars worth of cocaine (9 pounds),marijuana in shoe soles, gun found during search by Iron County Utah Deputy.
Deputy on HIS GAME does a great job!
Thanks For Doing A GREAT JOB! BE SAFE! - Deputies: Kids used as decoys to hide cocaine smuggling
Deputy on HIS GAME does a great job!
Thanks For Doing A GREAT JOB! BE SAFE! - Deputies: Kids used as decoys to hide cocaine smuggling
Friday, November 6, 2009
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Drug dealer calls the cops on his customers Utah Kids (heroin addicts)attempt to rob their dealer with gun and hammer. Please take a look at the kids on the link they seem to be pretty cleancut by all standings.Utah Heroin distributed by street gangs via the drug Cartels.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009 - Fugitive caught following chase in SL County - Fugitive caught following chase in SL County
Okay, enough paperwork errors causing incorrect releases of violent offenders. Thank you to all who risked their lives in Public Safety once again to apprehend this violent career criminal and gang member.
Okay, enough paperwork errors causing incorrect releases of violent offenders. Thank you to all who risked their lives in Public Safety once again to apprehend this violent career criminal and gang member. - Family members from rival gangs involved in shooting
In A Family Values State Where Public Schools do not enforce dress code that helps deter gang violence. Where Statewide School Districts do not have 24 hour onsite patrols or officers devoted to just one high school or middle school. Where gang deterrence is not a priority in the classroom because little if any gang and substance abuse deterrence is taught openly. Where State wide local law enforcement has its hands and finances tied up to properly deter the spread of gangs within public schools. Ogden should be happy that this did not occur on public school property. No neighborhood, or school is immune to gang and drug related violence.
Politicians and School Boards need to do the right thing and be proactive right now! Thank you to all of the recent Utah Attorney General related SECURE TASK FORCE improvements. Thank you to those in the legislature which tightened the gang laws in 2008. Okay School Boards and most of the communities nationwide, you need to get with the program of gang deterrence before problems like those in Modesto and Oakland California ( gangwars Oakland)spread here in full force.
Do Not Blame Law Enforcement, Blame the politicans and school districts which have done nothing and continue to do nothing.
Independent Non Paid Community Advocate and Gang Researcher since 2004/2005,Salt Lake County gang ongoing study!
In Loving Memory of All Who Have Died of Community Violence! - Family members from rival gangs involved in shooting
Politicians and School Boards need to do the right thing and be proactive right now! Thank you to all of the recent Utah Attorney General related SECURE TASK FORCE improvements. Thank you to those in the legislature which tightened the gang laws in 2008. Okay School Boards and most of the communities nationwide, you need to get with the program of gang deterrence before problems like those in Modesto and Oakland California ( gangwars Oakland)spread here in full force.
Do Not Blame Law Enforcement, Blame the politicans and school districts which have done nothing and continue to do nothing.
Independent Non Paid Community Advocate and Gang Researcher since 2004/2005,Salt Lake County gang ongoing study!
In Loving Memory of All Who Have Died of Community Violence! - Family members from rival gangs involved in shooting
Friday, October 23, 2009 - Herbert sounds off on controversial issues during monthly press conference
$426,000 UTAH 2009 that should have gone to the public schools to battle such things as gang violence, substance abuse prevention and teen pregnancy among other very important education issues!
The independent state agency manages 3.4 million acres of trust lands for the financial benefit of Utah public schools. On Wednesday, lawmakers learned that six people received the bonuses worth $426,000. The bonuses were doubled this year because of a legislative mandate prohibiting bonuses next year. - Herbert sounds off on controversial issues during monthly press conference
The independent state agency manages 3.4 million acres of trust lands for the financial benefit of Utah public schools. On Wednesday, lawmakers learned that six people received the bonuses worth $426,000. The bonuses were doubled this year because of a legislative mandate prohibiting bonuses next year. - Herbert sounds off on controversial issues during monthly press conference - Leadership summit will address gang violence
Thank you To Utah Polynesian Community For Your Involvement in Helping To Reduce The Spread Of Gang Violence. May We All Learn To End The Violence. - Leadership summit will address gang violence - Leadership summit will address gang violence
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Monday, October 12, 2009
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Longterm Commitment to Ending Teen Violence
Beating 'a call to action' OCTOBER 7th 2009
United States Attorney General Holder says a videotaped beating death of a Chicago teen is a 'call to action' to fight teen violence.
United States Attorney General Holder says a videotaped beating death of a Chicago teen is a 'call to action' to fight teen violence.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Widespread Denial Of A Gang Issue A Major Problem In Utah Public Schools and Elsewhere!
“When there's death threats written in gang graffiti and threats between specific groups on school property and adjacent to school property that's very concerning to me.”
On September 17th, I got News involved with an issue of ongoing threatening gang graffiti on public school property as well as adjacent property. (PLEASE NOTE THE BUREAUCRATIC REDTAPE))The Union Pacific RAILROAD BRIDGE area was cleaned. The biggest issue being that on the west side of the public school chainlink fence,and on the west of the fence on a NEARBY UTILITY POLE, UTILITY BOX, and trail entrance to school from the rail road tracks is still there! 09/29/2009 Update from 10-05-09 After dealing with bureaucratic red tape because of school district not locating an area famous with students,(students and community that have been in the neighborhood for more than ten years are aware of this area) and the local electricity company not finding it, the issue is mostly resolved. I say mostly because now it is up to the Public School District and Utility Company to monitor the area.
In my opinion the Granite School District downplays any gang or gang drug related issues that may escalate on or near school property.
It should be noted that due to some basic ongoing issues Statewide that it is also not just this district.
Districts in poor,middle class and upper middle class communities within the State are still being retroactive instead of proactive with gang deterrence. The School Districts must set a positive example for kids attending and the surrounding community. One such example of very lax or non existent gang deterrence is a lack of streamlined programs to keep kids out of gangs and away from drug addiction. These are either totally lacking or so limited in course application that they do not make significant impacts. The Second issue is an outright blatant disregard for deterrence of gangs by limiting the impacts of peer pressure. Besides hip hop and street culture which manifests in clothing styles,music,and the correlated peer pressures; there is also a significant threat posed to children in communities if they wear the wrong colors,or have certain graffiti street inspired styles on.
Just a few years ago a young innocent girl was in our county wearing the wrong colors at the wrong time. This non gang affiliated girl was shot at while attending a movie near her Junior High School.She survived her injuries. She was wearing the colors of her Junior High. Unfortunately for those not studying the impact of criminal street gangs, this has quickly been overlooked and forgotten. Clothing that is known by law enforcement as gang affiliated attire. The issue of non enforcement of gang clothing attire can be found in almost every single public school.Very basic knowledge of criminal street gangs within their communities would help the School Boards understand the significance!
I am confident that Utah State Government,The Counties and the School Districts working with law enforcement and community activists will resolve these very significant issues long term.
I applaud the Utah State Legislature for Tightening the Gang Laws In Utah as of 2008. Thank You To Our Past Governor John Huntsman and all who worked hard! Thank You To All In Utah Public Safety, Someday the State Of Utah will make you a priority!
On September 17th, I got News involved with an issue of ongoing threatening gang graffiti on public school property as well as adjacent property. (PLEASE NOTE THE BUREAUCRATIC REDTAPE))The Union Pacific RAILROAD BRIDGE area was cleaned. The biggest issue being that on the west side of the public school chainlink fence,and on the west of the fence on a NEARBY UTILITY POLE, UTILITY BOX, and trail entrance to school from the rail road tracks is still there! 09/29/2009 Update from 10-05-09 After dealing with bureaucratic red tape because of school district not locating an area famous with students,(students and community that have been in the neighborhood for more than ten years are aware of this area) and the local electricity company not finding it, the issue is mostly resolved. I say mostly because now it is up to the Public School District and Utility Company to monitor the area.
In my opinion the Granite School District downplays any gang or gang drug related issues that may escalate on or near school property.
It should be noted that due to some basic ongoing issues Statewide that it is also not just this district.
Districts in poor,middle class and upper middle class communities within the State are still being retroactive instead of proactive with gang deterrence. The School Districts must set a positive example for kids attending and the surrounding community. One such example of very lax or non existent gang deterrence is a lack of streamlined programs to keep kids out of gangs and away from drug addiction. These are either totally lacking or so limited in course application that they do not make significant impacts. The Second issue is an outright blatant disregard for deterrence of gangs by limiting the impacts of peer pressure. Besides hip hop and street culture which manifests in clothing styles,music,and the correlated peer pressures; there is also a significant threat posed to children in communities if they wear the wrong colors,or have certain graffiti street inspired styles on.
Just a few years ago a young innocent girl was in our county wearing the wrong colors at the wrong time. This non gang affiliated girl was shot at while attending a movie near her Junior High School.She survived her injuries. She was wearing the colors of her Junior High. Unfortunately for those not studying the impact of criminal street gangs, this has quickly been overlooked and forgotten. Clothing that is known by law enforcement as gang affiliated attire. The issue of non enforcement of gang clothing attire can be found in almost every single public school.Very basic knowledge of criminal street gangs within their communities would help the School Boards understand the significance!
I am confident that Utah State Government,The Counties and the School Districts working with law enforcement and community activists will resolve these very significant issues long term.
I applaud the Utah State Legislature for Tightening the Gang Laws In Utah as of 2008. Thank You To Our Past Governor John Huntsman and all who worked hard! Thank You To All In Utah Public Safety, Someday the State Of Utah will make you a priority!
Monday, September 28, 2009
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Concerned Parents, Educators, Community Leaders HERE IS GREAT Gang Related Info
No matter where you are in the United States, this information will be very helpful to parents and concerned citizens trying to improve their communities.
This Link To Salt Lake County, Utah Gang Project has valuable help for parents and community leaders who are concerned about graffiti, gang affilation, gang involvement in general.
Thank You To Salt Lake County For Providing this webpage.
This Link To Salt Lake County, Utah Gang Project has valuable help for parents and community leaders who are concerned about graffiti, gang affilation, gang involvement in general.
Thank You To Salt Lake County For Providing this webpage.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Utah Graffiti on and near public school properties
Early in 2009, this public school had an incident of gang violence between rival crip gangs. As a community advocate it is unacceptable to have threatening graffiti on and near public school property.
I encourage all parents to be aware of their childrens peers and become knowledgeable with local gang issues. Consult your local Sheriffs office website or Police Department.
Thank You To All Who Cleaned Up the Rail Tressel mess.
Early in 2009, this public school had an incident of gang violence between rival crip gangs. As a community advocate it is unacceptable to have threatening graffiti on and near public school property.
I encourage all parents to be aware of their childrens peers and become knowledgeable with local gang issues. Consult your local Sheriffs office website or Police Department.
Thank You To All Who Cleaned Up the Rail Tressel mess.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Thursday, September 3, 2009 - School districts cautious ahead of Obama speech to students
Getting Children involved in positive community building volunteerism and advocacy should be promoted. If parents are not encouraging children to improve the world around them then they reap the rewards of that which they sow.
If however then positive role models in pop culture and a minority President as popular as he has been bring positive social change, I am all for it!
Those who use parisan rhethoric should be ashamed of themselves. He is our President, and you need to Support his leadership of the country.
Considering how messed up things have been for more than 8 years, he is doing a great job of house cleaning!
What took more than 8 years in the White House to damage things will take a few years to be cleaned out! - School districts cautious ahead of Obama speech to students
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Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Law Enforcement In Utah County Doing A Great Job Keep Up the Great Work!
Conservative Community in Utah effected by gangs, however the local police are doing a great job! Thank You Orem Police Department. As for all of the other conservative towns in Utah, much more needs to be done! This fall I will be touring small towns looking for gang activity which will be documented on my ongoing research study.
Thanks To All Law Enforcement in Utah, Politicians and School Leaders, Community Leaders Wake Up It is your TURN NOW!
Conservative Community in Utah effected by gangs, however the local police are doing a great job! Thank You Orem Police Department. As for all of the other conservative towns in Utah, much more needs to be done! This fall I will be touring small towns looking for gang activity which will be documented on my ongoing research study.
Thanks To All Law Enforcement in Utah, Politicians and School Leaders, Community Leaders Wake Up It is your TURN NOW!
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Excellent Job By Law Enforcement 20000 Adult Marijuana Plants Confiscated in Utah. Americas Largest Pot Operation Bust. - - Utahs Other Crop - - Utahs Other Crop
UTAH Middle Class Upper Class Neighborhood Battles Graffiti see newslink
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Monday, August 24, 2009
Friday, August 21, 2009
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Friday, August 14, 2009
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Monday, July 27, 2009
Murdered Girl Myspace shows Hints of Bad Boy Affiliations
This data was from comments on story linked to this blog
This data was from comments on story linked to this blog

Another incredible person with a promising future murdered as a result of gang affiliation. She may not have been a member, but because she associated with the perpetrator she is now dead.
In Loving Memory of all Gang and Violent Crime Murder Victims
My prayers go out always to her family and friends, I am sure she will be missed.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Monday, July 20, 2009
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Friday, June 26, 2009
The impacts of criminal gangs in our communities - Why gangs like Utah!
Dear Politicians and City, County, State Leaders,
As a very concerned citizen of the United States, I say this to all politicians including city, county as well as state leaders. I will also make this perfectly clear to school administration.
Please stop denying that we have a crime, gang, drug abuse addiction and overdose problem and other related social problems which stem from gangs and drugs.
First off, I applaud the efforts of the local law enforcement community who works with the gang problem daily here in Utah. I thank all of the Law Enforcement and Public Safety Community nationwide for doing a much underappreciated difficult job. As a non law enforcement member of the Utah community; and having watched gangs spread successfully since about 1995; that in Utah and Nationwide much more needs to be done. As an independent gang researcher and community advocate, volunteer since 2005; I have documented the activity of gangs well in Salt Lake County. My photo databases and ongoing research are available to any Law Enforcement members.(register and get verified thru or you will know how to contact me already) These gang graffiti, symbolism, and tagger graffiti documentations now number well over 800 vandalism cases. Many are the same perpetrators. With current technology it is now time to prosecute.
People may wonder why gangs are spreading in Utah, one of the best states in the U.S. The reason is very simple; we continue to provide them little resistance as law abiding citizens. Prior to Fall Quarter 2008 laws were weak, and gang members used that to their advantage. Now it becomes more important to successfully prosecute and deter their spread. Programs such as D.A.R.E. and G.R.E.A.T should be implemented in every school at very early ages. Gangs recruit and drug abuse trends are impacting young elementary school age children now. Huffing, Rx abuse and alcohol are small parts of the dangers. Due to the sheer speed of addictions and potential for overdose, we simply must work to deter drugs in younger children. Peer pressure and teen pressure also impacts substantially how fast children are using drugs and or entering gangs or gang affiliated peer groups.
Graffiti both gang and non gang (referred to as tagger) has burdened our local communities with more than one million dollars in cleanup just in 2008, no signs of slowing down so far in 2009. The impact on individual cities will bring that financial impact up significantly more. The impact on private land owners and businesses must also be addressed.
Budgets for many law enforcement agencies in many cases continues to be poorly staffed and there is little if any funding for gang units, and needed enforcement measures. Some of the larger cities are aware and working hard to help control the problem, many smaller cities and communities are either in denial or not addressing the problem properly. Traveling across the state I have seen many cities that are basically clueless as to the presence and impact of gangs.
If we prioritized gangs in America as Domestic Terrorist we would be much better off as a society. Some would say that is way too harsh. As an independent and non paid volunteer researcher since 2005, I have watched the criminal gangs successfully move across all socioeconomic groups. This spread of gangs was occurring efficiently since the late 1980’s. All major gangs are present in Utah to varied degrees. Some exist in sleeper type groups slowly gaining new recruits and turf. There are many regional gangs as well.
Unfortunately, we as a society tend to pretend that they do not exist at all. The common misconceptions about whom and what gang members are is very prevalent. The failure to realize that many are just like us in every way, allows them to spread to what would be called affluent neighborhoods. The evolution of hip hop and street styles has also allowed the spread to go unnoticed to many. Parents are not always aware of symbolism, clothes styles, car modifications, and behaviors which are gang related. Politicians are sometimes in denial of the impact of criminal street gangs. If a problem is ignored it does not require funding.
Cars with illegal modifications commonly used by street racers and criminal gangs are also seen throughout the State. Illegal window tinting that poses a danger to law enforcement in traffic stops, as well as vehicle safety related modifications compound the impact of street gangs. These are present in such famous movies as The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift which depict these type of activities).Citing also recent deaths locally due to street racing, and related street racing traffic accidents. While yes, in many cases clothing and other impacts of culture are just normal teen experiences. Parents must be aware of the significance. Having lived and grown up in many varied neighborhoods, as well as household incomes it is obvious to me that gangs are very real and present danger. Having lived in a rollercoaster of incomes, I understand how gangs and gang, drug crime is perceived differently. How it changes to meet current trends and localities.
There is a definite criminal gang and drug related cost to society associated with illegal immigration. However, many illegal immigrants also do not contribute to the problem. Historically many illegal immigrants have been used to traffic drugs across borders, and been taken advantage of by criminal gangs due to their legal status. We must work together to understand that no matter what the immigration status is, the drug abuse, drug addiction, and serious criminal gang violence will continue if not addressed.
Gangs in Utah and the rest of the United States are extremely varied. Whatever the dominant race or ethnicity is, they tend to correlate with that. Whatever the dominant religion is the same can be typically part of the gang problem as well. (Please refer to GANGLAND series).Being white living in a mostly white neighborhood most of my life, that many of the gang members usually are the same. They are typically the same as your family and your neighbors in many ways. I will not be racist or ignorant and blame crime and the gang problem on minorities or those not like me!
To Be Improved Upon List of Items:
Correct staffing levels in Public Safety specifically in specialized units such as gang task forces, narcotics officers, and adult probation and parole. The funding can be done by enforcing gang affiliation laws, illegal car modifications, and confiscation of gang and drug crime related property. (this 2010 Cadillac Escalade used to be owned by a drug dealer) D.A.R.E. vehicles.
Prosecutions: Making sure that all gang affiliated laws are utilized. This would also be done thru Holding Prosecuting Attorneys as well as Judges accountable for their actions. Mandatory documentation of gang involvement –such as tattoos, or self described affiliation cannot be overlooked.
Newly released prisoners due to high probability of relapse into gang involvement, these past offenders need better programs for substance abuse issues and getting out of gangs. (Adult Probation and Parole agent case loads are excessive, they need help!)
There should be a definite immediate further emphasis on very young age deterrence from gang and substance abuse. This would be done thru promoting programs such as D.A.R.E., G.R.E.A.T and comprehensive education to keep children from drug abuse and negative peer pressure.
Public Schools would be required to educate teachers and staff on local gangs, local gang attire, and find a balance in dress code enforcement. (Huge issue, gang symbolism and gang affiliated clothing cannot be allowed to go ignored) Contact local gang unit for details. Drug abuse cannot be correctly deterred without dealing with the gang presence.
Prosecuting Gang Graffiti and Tagger Crimes. Documenting and quickly covering up graffiti. Being sure to document instead of just covering up, since it is criminal evidence. Utilizing current crime scene technology and investigation tools.
Enforcing and educating the public on the need to report these crimes, and prosecute. Simplify the access to resources for home owners, businesses, and others affected by graffiti and vandalism crimes. Making sure graffiti crime victims are not victimized by paying for it to be cleaned up.
Networking the finest in Law Enforcement, public policy to further utilize R.I.C.O. and other federal statutes to take down organized crime groups. Due to the hierarchy and structure of gangs this has been difficult in the past.
Organized Crime type prosecution if the individual continues to commit crimes in the name of their clique or set (parts of gang they belong to).
Working with federal law enforcement to deter the influence of international and multi tiered levels of criminal gang and cartel activities.
The Major Improvements since 2008 Fall Quarter and Spring 2009
Gang Laws which further penalize those who recruit new gang members.
Gang laws which more clearly define who and what a gang member is. Gang laws which enhance penalties for those who continue to break the law due to gang affiliation.
Gang Laws which identify a person as a gang member instead of vague laws which prosecute individuals just as individuals.
Special Recognition:
Thank You to the Salt Lake County and Metro Gang Unit, members of local Public Safety, members of federal law enforcement. A special thank you to the Honorable John Huntsman of Utah, Salt Lake County Mayor Caroon, Salt Lake City Mayor Becker, Salt Lake City Prosecuting Atty. Sim Gill, SLCO Nancy White in graffiti abatement,. Thank you to members of the Utah State Legislature. Also the many community advocates and volunteers which have become proactive in helping to control the problem. Without your efforts in 2008, the above improvements would not have occurred.
Dear Politicians and City, County, State Leaders,
As a very concerned citizen of the United States, I say this to all politicians including city, county as well as state leaders. I will also make this perfectly clear to school administration.
Please stop denying that we have a crime, gang, drug abuse addiction and overdose problem and other related social problems which stem from gangs and drugs.
First off, I applaud the efforts of the local law enforcement community who works with the gang problem daily here in Utah. I thank all of the Law Enforcement and Public Safety Community nationwide for doing a much underappreciated difficult job. As a non law enforcement member of the Utah community; and having watched gangs spread successfully since about 1995; that in Utah and Nationwide much more needs to be done. As an independent gang researcher and community advocate, volunteer since 2005; I have documented the activity of gangs well in Salt Lake County. My photo databases and ongoing research are available to any Law Enforcement members.(register and get verified thru or you will know how to contact me already) These gang graffiti, symbolism, and tagger graffiti documentations now number well over 800 vandalism cases. Many are the same perpetrators. With current technology it is now time to prosecute.
People may wonder why gangs are spreading in Utah, one of the best states in the U.S. The reason is very simple; we continue to provide them little resistance as law abiding citizens. Prior to Fall Quarter 2008 laws were weak, and gang members used that to their advantage. Now it becomes more important to successfully prosecute and deter their spread. Programs such as D.A.R.E. and G.R.E.A.T should be implemented in every school at very early ages. Gangs recruit and drug abuse trends are impacting young elementary school age children now. Huffing, Rx abuse and alcohol are small parts of the dangers. Due to the sheer speed of addictions and potential for overdose, we simply must work to deter drugs in younger children. Peer pressure and teen pressure also impacts substantially how fast children are using drugs and or entering gangs or gang affiliated peer groups.
Graffiti both gang and non gang (referred to as tagger) has burdened our local communities with more than one million dollars in cleanup just in 2008, no signs of slowing down so far in 2009. The impact on individual cities will bring that financial impact up significantly more. The impact on private land owners and businesses must also be addressed.
Budgets for many law enforcement agencies in many cases continues to be poorly staffed and there is little if any funding for gang units, and needed enforcement measures. Some of the larger cities are aware and working hard to help control the problem, many smaller cities and communities are either in denial or not addressing the problem properly. Traveling across the state I have seen many cities that are basically clueless as to the presence and impact of gangs.
If we prioritized gangs in America as Domestic Terrorist we would be much better off as a society. Some would say that is way too harsh. As an independent and non paid volunteer researcher since 2005, I have watched the criminal gangs successfully move across all socioeconomic groups. This spread of gangs was occurring efficiently since the late 1980’s. All major gangs are present in Utah to varied degrees. Some exist in sleeper type groups slowly gaining new recruits and turf. There are many regional gangs as well.
Unfortunately, we as a society tend to pretend that they do not exist at all. The common misconceptions about whom and what gang members are is very prevalent. The failure to realize that many are just like us in every way, allows them to spread to what would be called affluent neighborhoods. The evolution of hip hop and street styles has also allowed the spread to go unnoticed to many. Parents are not always aware of symbolism, clothes styles, car modifications, and behaviors which are gang related. Politicians are sometimes in denial of the impact of criminal street gangs. If a problem is ignored it does not require funding.
Cars with illegal modifications commonly used by street racers and criminal gangs are also seen throughout the State. Illegal window tinting that poses a danger to law enforcement in traffic stops, as well as vehicle safety related modifications compound the impact of street gangs. These are present in such famous movies as The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift which depict these type of activities).Citing also recent deaths locally due to street racing, and related street racing traffic accidents. While yes, in many cases clothing and other impacts of culture are just normal teen experiences. Parents must be aware of the significance. Having lived and grown up in many varied neighborhoods, as well as household incomes it is obvious to me that gangs are very real and present danger. Having lived in a rollercoaster of incomes, I understand how gangs and gang, drug crime is perceived differently. How it changes to meet current trends and localities.
There is a definite criminal gang and drug related cost to society associated with illegal immigration. However, many illegal immigrants also do not contribute to the problem. Historically many illegal immigrants have been used to traffic drugs across borders, and been taken advantage of by criminal gangs due to their legal status. We must work together to understand that no matter what the immigration status is, the drug abuse, drug addiction, and serious criminal gang violence will continue if not addressed.
Gangs in Utah and the rest of the United States are extremely varied. Whatever the dominant race or ethnicity is, they tend to correlate with that. Whatever the dominant religion is the same can be typically part of the gang problem as well. (Please refer to GANGLAND series).Being white living in a mostly white neighborhood most of my life, that many of the gang members usually are the same. They are typically the same as your family and your neighbors in many ways. I will not be racist or ignorant and blame crime and the gang problem on minorities or those not like me!
To Be Improved Upon List of Items:
Correct staffing levels in Public Safety specifically in specialized units such as gang task forces, narcotics officers, and adult probation and parole. The funding can be done by enforcing gang affiliation laws, illegal car modifications, and confiscation of gang and drug crime related property. (this 2010 Cadillac Escalade used to be owned by a drug dealer) D.A.R.E. vehicles.
Prosecutions: Making sure that all gang affiliated laws are utilized. This would also be done thru Holding Prosecuting Attorneys as well as Judges accountable for their actions. Mandatory documentation of gang involvement –such as tattoos, or self described affiliation cannot be overlooked.
Newly released prisoners due to high probability of relapse into gang involvement, these past offenders need better programs for substance abuse issues and getting out of gangs. (Adult Probation and Parole agent case loads are excessive, they need help!)
There should be a definite immediate further emphasis on very young age deterrence from gang and substance abuse. This would be done thru promoting programs such as D.A.R.E., G.R.E.A.T and comprehensive education to keep children from drug abuse and negative peer pressure.
Public Schools would be required to educate teachers and staff on local gangs, local gang attire, and find a balance in dress code enforcement. (Huge issue, gang symbolism and gang affiliated clothing cannot be allowed to go ignored) Contact local gang unit for details. Drug abuse cannot be correctly deterred without dealing with the gang presence.
Prosecuting Gang Graffiti and Tagger Crimes. Documenting and quickly covering up graffiti. Being sure to document instead of just covering up, since it is criminal evidence. Utilizing current crime scene technology and investigation tools.
Enforcing and educating the public on the need to report these crimes, and prosecute. Simplify the access to resources for home owners, businesses, and others affected by graffiti and vandalism crimes. Making sure graffiti crime victims are not victimized by paying for it to be cleaned up.
Networking the finest in Law Enforcement, public policy to further utilize R.I.C.O. and other federal statutes to take down organized crime groups. Due to the hierarchy and structure of gangs this has been difficult in the past.
Organized Crime type prosecution if the individual continues to commit crimes in the name of their clique or set (parts of gang they belong to).
Working with federal law enforcement to deter the influence of international and multi tiered levels of criminal gang and cartel activities.
The Major Improvements since 2008 Fall Quarter and Spring 2009
Gang Laws which further penalize those who recruit new gang members.
Gang laws which more clearly define who and what a gang member is. Gang laws which enhance penalties for those who continue to break the law due to gang affiliation.
Gang Laws which identify a person as a gang member instead of vague laws which prosecute individuals just as individuals.
Special Recognition:
Thank You to the Salt Lake County and Metro Gang Unit, members of local Public Safety, members of federal law enforcement. A special thank you to the Honorable John Huntsman of Utah, Salt Lake County Mayor Caroon, Salt Lake City Mayor Becker, Salt Lake City Prosecuting Atty. Sim Gill, SLCO Nancy White in graffiti abatement,. Thank you to members of the Utah State Legislature. Also the many community advocates and volunteers which have become proactive in helping to control the problem. Without your efforts in 2008, the above improvements would not have occurred.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
2nd Violent Car Jacking Victim Shot Twice SLC, Utah
This is a very sad recent turn of events. This time the victim was shot twice then dumped. Most likely gang related but definitely DRUG related crime. My prayers go out to the victim. Thank you to the security guard and Utah Law Enforcement community response.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Budget cuts may force sheriff's office to lay off K-9s
Salt Lake County, Utah
Budget cuts may force sheriff's office to lay off K-9sThe Salt Lake County Sheriff's Office had to cut roughly $5 million from Corrections, and they still have more cuts to make from the law enforcement side. All departments are being considered, and even the dogs in the K-9 unit could lose their jobs.
May 6th, 2009 @ 11:19pm
By Paul Nelson
as seen on
The number one is that the population of the State has drastically increased in recent years. The gang and substance abuse issues that relate to crime have also increased.
Violence such as home invasion robberies, Pharmacy robberies and the frequency of drive by shootings has also increased (more than would be expected in what is considered a mellow State),
When resources where available in past years they were NOT used for Law Enforcement and Public Safety in Utah. Now of course harsher economic times lead many elected officials to try to cut back, I SAY NO! You did not have enough jail space to begin with. You did not have enough Adult Probation and Parole Officers to begin with. You have police departments and publicly funded transit that still is lacking necessary staff. But now you wish as elected officials to cut back on what was not wasteful to begin with!
To All of the Brave who have suffered and died due to Methamphetamine Lab Exposure, and all of the other things that take the lives of heroic officers in the line of duty,
I will continue to advocate for Public Safety As a PRIORITY in Utah.
As Commented on :Utah and Americas Gang PUBLIC SAFETY = NUMBER ONE PRIORITY
Report Comment by Utah Gang Graffiti Researcher @ 1:28am - Thu May 7th, 2009
There are many reasons not to cut back on any Public Safety or Law Enforcement Related Programs. The number one is that the population of the State has drastically increased in recent years. The gang and substance abuse issues that relate to crime have also increased. type in your zipcode. (for those who have lived in Utah for most or all of their lives)Thinking back five years, how many home invasion robberies occured then? How many pharmacies were being robbed for oxycontin? Violence such as home invasion robberies, Pharmacy robberies and the frequency of drive by shootings has also increased (more than would be expected in what is considered a mellow State),Utah is a wonderful State,now why is the crime continuing? When resources where available in past years they were NOT used for Law Enforcement and Public Safety in Utah. Now of course harsher economic times lead many elected officials to try to cut back, I SAY NO! You did not have enough jail space to begin with. You did not have enough Adult Probation and Parole Officers to begin with. You have police departments and publicly funded transit that still is lacking necessary staff. But now you wish as elected officials to cut back on what was not wasteful to begin with! To All of the Brave who have suffered and died due to Methamphetamine Lab Exposure, and all of the other things that take the lives of heroic officers in the line of duty, I will continue to advocate for Public Safety As a PRIORITY in Utah. When you truly care about the State you live in, you address the social problems. Some in the Legislature and our Honorable Govenor, as well as SLCO Mayor have done great things in recent years. They enhanced and tightened the gang laws and more. The issue is we have much more to do, not less.
Budget cuts may force sheriff's office to lay off K-9sThe Salt Lake County Sheriff's Office had to cut roughly $5 million from Corrections, and they still have more cuts to make from the law enforcement side. All departments are being considered, and even the dogs in the K-9 unit could lose their jobs.
May 6th, 2009 @ 11:19pm
By Paul Nelson
as seen on
The number one is that the population of the State has drastically increased in recent years. The gang and substance abuse issues that relate to crime have also increased.
Violence such as home invasion robberies, Pharmacy robberies and the frequency of drive by shootings has also increased (more than would be expected in what is considered a mellow State),
When resources where available in past years they were NOT used for Law Enforcement and Public Safety in Utah. Now of course harsher economic times lead many elected officials to try to cut back, I SAY NO! You did not have enough jail space to begin with. You did not have enough Adult Probation and Parole Officers to begin with. You have police departments and publicly funded transit that still is lacking necessary staff. But now you wish as elected officials to cut back on what was not wasteful to begin with!
To All of the Brave who have suffered and died due to Methamphetamine Lab Exposure, and all of the other things that take the lives of heroic officers in the line of duty,
I will continue to advocate for Public Safety As a PRIORITY in Utah.
As Commented on :Utah and Americas Gang PUBLIC SAFETY = NUMBER ONE PRIORITY
Report Comment by Utah Gang Graffiti Researcher @ 1:28am - Thu May 7th, 2009
There are many reasons not to cut back on any Public Safety or Law Enforcement Related Programs. The number one is that the population of the State has drastically increased in recent years. The gang and substance abuse issues that relate to crime have also increased. type in your zipcode. (for those who have lived in Utah for most or all of their lives)Thinking back five years, how many home invasion robberies occured then? How many pharmacies were being robbed for oxycontin? Violence such as home invasion robberies, Pharmacy robberies and the frequency of drive by shootings has also increased (more than would be expected in what is considered a mellow State),Utah is a wonderful State,now why is the crime continuing? When resources where available in past years they were NOT used for Law Enforcement and Public Safety in Utah. Now of course harsher economic times lead many elected officials to try to cut back, I SAY NO! You did not have enough jail space to begin with. You did not have enough Adult Probation and Parole Officers to begin with. You have police departments and publicly funded transit that still is lacking necessary staff. But now you wish as elected officials to cut back on what was not wasteful to begin with! To All of the Brave who have suffered and died due to Methamphetamine Lab Exposure, and all of the other things that take the lives of heroic officers in the line of duty, I will continue to advocate for Public Safety As a PRIORITY in Utah. When you truly care about the State you live in, you address the social problems. Some in the Legislature and our Honorable Govenor, as well as SLCO Mayor have done great things in recent years. They enhanced and tightened the gang laws and more. The issue is we have much more to do, not less.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
GANG CRIME UTAH related websites and links
Glendale Gang Drive By 800 West 1300 South 05/05/09 gang tattoos identify
AB Home Invasion Robbery Midvale
Glendale Gang Drive By 800 West 1300 South 05/05/09 gang tattoos identify
AB Home Invasion Robbery Midvale
Changes Still Needed To Reduce Gang Harm in Utah and elsewhere
Thank You to all Utah legislators who stood up and said enhance the gang laws! Thank You to all who still work with the gang problem in Utah.
Improvements Needed: (1) Funding and resources for Adult Probation and Parole officers. The gang problem and the amount of violence in our communities is not decreasing, we need necessary staff in place to deal with the ongoing issues. (2) Prosecuting Attorneys that stand up and say NO to the harm of gangs thru enhancement of offenses utilizing laws already on the books.(3) Prosecuting Attorneys that prosecute gang related offenses such as graffiti so that citizens of the county do not have to continue to pay for the damage (yes we do have the technology to punish offenders).(4) Jail space that addresses the current crime and incarceration trends. After Incarceration thru programs for offenders who have been released to help them stay out of gangs. This is extremely important when the difficulty in getting employment increased with the current recession. (5)Every school in every community needs to have mandatory drug and gang awareness training, programs such as GREAT and recommended programs by the Department of Justice for older children and adults.(6) Teachers would have mandatory training - this would include understanding the significance of graffiti,” flying colors”, bullying, how drug dealing occurs in public schools, and what are symptoms of drug abuse and addiction.(7)Schools would have random drug searches by Canine Units. This would include lockers, backpacks, parking lots, and student cars.
Improvements Needed: (1) Funding and resources for Adult Probation and Parole officers. The gang problem and the amount of violence in our communities is not decreasing, we need necessary staff in place to deal with the ongoing issues. (2) Prosecuting Attorneys that stand up and say NO to the harm of gangs thru enhancement of offenses utilizing laws already on the books.(3) Prosecuting Attorneys that prosecute gang related offenses such as graffiti so that citizens of the county do not have to continue to pay for the damage (yes we do have the technology to punish offenders).(4) Jail space that addresses the current crime and incarceration trends. After Incarceration thru programs for offenders who have been released to help them stay out of gangs. This is extremely important when the difficulty in getting employment increased with the current recession. (5)Every school in every community needs to have mandatory drug and gang awareness training, programs such as GREAT and recommended programs by the Department of Justice for older children and adults.(6) Teachers would have mandatory training - this would include understanding the significance of graffiti,” flying colors”, bullying, how drug dealing occurs in public schools, and what are symptoms of drug abuse and addiction.(7)Schools would have random drug searches by Canine Units. This would include lockers, backpacks, parking lots, and student cars.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Salt Lake City Gang Action Team (Link to Community Resources),0,2961115.story
Community Gang Action Team Salt Lake City, P.D.
Community Resources For Community Gang Action Team SLC
Community Gang Action Team Salt Lake City, P.D.
Community Resources For Community Gang Action Team SLC
Monday, February 23, 2009
Dear Neighbor, This Is A Polite Request for Graffiti Removal by Concerned Citizens of Your Area in an Effort to Control Gang Violence and Threats to Children in Our Community:
Where is the graffiti vandalism damage located?
House Address:
Street Name:
Cross Street:
Building Name (if any )
Type Of Location Please circle which applies: Fence, wall, Corner, street sign post, utility box, sign, shed or garage, driveway, sidewalk, bus stop, curb side, trash can, side of van or trailer, business wall, school, school wall, train crossing, train bridge trestle, city park, bus stop for school, church or ward, picnic table, restrooms, playground area, lockers
Please use the space below to provide any additional details that may help us find and remove the graffiti
How Do I Report Graffiti and get it cleaned up usually at no cost?
Depending on where the graffiti is sighted call the following entities or call 211
Anywhere in the Salt Lake County
END-GRAF (363-4723) or 468-2182
264-2583,SLCo Sheriff’s Office 743-7000,Salt Lake City 972-7885, Salt Lake Area Gang Project 799-GANG(799-4264), Sandy City 568-2900, Traffic Signs/Control Boxes 562-6400 West Jordan City 265-4056, West Valley City 963-3289Bus Benches or Bus Signs 262-5626County Parks 483-5473
Draper City 576-560, Freeway Graffiti, Including Sound Walls 265-9267, Midvale City 255-4291 Murray City 264-2583
Where Can I Get Free Graffiti Clean-up Supplies (do it yourself materials)?
Graffiti removal supplies are available at several locations throughout Salt Lake County during business hours, Monday through Friday.
Salt Lake County Government Center
2001 S State Street, South Building Suite S2100, Salt Lake City
Cottonwood Heights Substation
7480 South 2700 East, Cottonwood Heights
Magna Sheriff Sub-Station
8537 West 2700 South, Magna
Oquirrh District
4250 West 5415 South, Kearns
Oquirrh District Riverton Office
12765 South 1400 West, Riverton
Graffiti Removal May be Done For Free If you Call the Numbers Listed Above and Report it.
PLEASE DO NOT JUST LET THE GRAFFITI STAY More Gang Violence, or Graffiti May Occur Because of IT!
Websites That Teens Unite In To Vandalize
(where the graffiti vandals unite)
Where is the graffiti vandalism damage located?
House Address:
Street Name:
Cross Street:
Building Name (if any )
Type Of Location Please circle which applies: Fence, wall, Corner, street sign post, utility box, sign, shed or garage, driveway, sidewalk, bus stop, curb side, trash can, side of van or trailer, business wall, school, school wall, train crossing, train bridge trestle, city park, bus stop for school, church or ward, picnic table, restrooms, playground area, lockers
Please use the space below to provide any additional details that may help us find and remove the graffiti
How Do I Report Graffiti and get it cleaned up usually at no cost?
Depending on where the graffiti is sighted call the following entities or call 211
Anywhere in the Salt Lake County
END-GRAF (363-4723) or 468-2182
264-2583,SLCo Sheriff’s Office 743-7000,Salt Lake City 972-7885, Salt Lake Area Gang Project 799-GANG(799-4264), Sandy City 568-2900, Traffic Signs/Control Boxes 562-6400 West Jordan City 265-4056, West Valley City 963-3289Bus Benches or Bus Signs 262-5626County Parks 483-5473
Draper City 576-560, Freeway Graffiti, Including Sound Walls 265-9267, Midvale City 255-4291 Murray City 264-2583
Where Can I Get Free Graffiti Clean-up Supplies (do it yourself materials)?
Graffiti removal supplies are available at several locations throughout Salt Lake County during business hours, Monday through Friday.
Salt Lake County Government Center
2001 S State Street, South Building Suite S2100, Salt Lake City
Cottonwood Heights Substation
7480 South 2700 East, Cottonwood Heights
Magna Sheriff Sub-Station
8537 West 2700 South, Magna
Oquirrh District
4250 West 5415 South, Kearns
Oquirrh District Riverton Office
12765 South 1400 West, Riverton
Graffiti Removal May be Done For Free If you Call the Numbers Listed Above and Report it.
PLEASE DO NOT JUST LET THE GRAFFITI STAY More Gang Violence, or Graffiti May Occur Because of IT!
Websites That Teens Unite In To Vandalize
(where the graffiti vandals unite)
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Gang Graffiti Study 2005 to present day Salt Lake County
If You are a member of the Law Enforcement Community and can be verified please simply login for a free membership on the website
I am user ID tmkjusticestudies
Once registered there and verified you can request a password to the database that I keep online at
I will be providing access while attending community meetings as well.
I am Not A L.E.O. but due to the sheer nature of graffic, threatening and the hate and gang issues that can occur because of what is written in graffiti, this will not be released to the general public.
Thank you!
I am user ID tmkjusticestudies
Once registered there and verified you can request a password to the database that I keep online at
I will be providing access while attending community meetings as well.
I am Not A L.E.O. but due to the sheer nature of graffic, threatening and the hate and gang issues that can occur because of what is written in graffiti, this will not be released to the general public.
Thank you!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Ending Violence In Our Neighborhoods in Utah
Sunday February 15th , 12 Noon until
Ending Violence in Our Neighborhoods In Utah: Meeting Regarding Graffiti and Gang Activity in Kearns will be held out in NE Parking lot at 12 noon. Literature will be available, as well as question answer forum. The next official meeting will be on Feb 23rd. Tour of graffiti areas will be presented.Please bring pen and paper.
Please Note this is about the Gang problem and related crime, graffiti issues Statewide and I will be releasing information on areas in different parts of the Salt Lake Valley which need to be addressed. Peace to All! Now let us all go out and better our communities!
Ending Violence in Our Neighborhoods In Utah: Meeting Regarding Graffiti and Gang Activity in Kearns will be held out in NE Parking lot at 12 noon. Literature will be available, as well as question answer forum. The next official meeting will be on Feb 23rd. Tour of graffiti areas will be presented.Please bring pen and paper.
Please Note this is about the Gang problem and related crime, graffiti issues Statewide and I will be releasing information on areas in different parts of the Salt Lake Valley which need to be addressed. Peace to All! Now let us all go out and better our communities!
Monday, February 9, 2009
Graffiti Removal on and Near Kearns High School
February 15th Sunday 12 noon until
Please bring any paint, paint brushes, rollers to cover up gang related threats posted in graffiti on and near Kearns High School
focus areas: all nearby neighborhoods, and most importantly the gang graffiti directly attached to and frequently passed by students of elementary, junior high, and high school age
February 15th Sunday 12 noon until
Please bring any paint, paint brushes, rollers to cover up gang related threats posted in graffiti on and near Kearns High School
focus areas: all nearby neighborhoods, and most importantly the gang graffiti directly attached to and frequently passed by students of elementary, junior high, and high school age
Enforcing and Improving Laws to Help Control Gang Harm
Salt Lake County Gang Graffiti Study 2005 to ongoing! Support Long Term Systemic Solutions for Systemic Problems. 1)The expansion and focus on education at a very young age G.R.E.A.T, D.A.R.E,project 180, 2)Simplify the ability for parents to access resources such as 211. 3)Enforce gang deterrence thru existing graffiti laws,making the laws actually enforcable,curfew,dress code in schools,and ticketing cars in violation of dark tint and illegal modifications.Implement the enforcement of dress codes in public schools. 4)Make businesses and property owners accountable for not removing or getting help to remove graffiti. 5)Notify police if you see (convenience store like behavior in neighborhoods,homes)people coming and going at all times of the day and night. 6)Be aware of what your children are doing on myspace,facebook,and texting. Be aware of who they are with and if they are getting good grades and attending school.7)Be aware of music they listen to(did that radio station have a 420 hour?), be aware of clothing that is specific to gangs in Utah 8)Be aware of people with back packs, pants or clothing that can carry or conceal spray paint who are hanging out in common graffiti sites like alleys,back of business,corners,public places like parks,parkways,fields with fences with traffic exposure and other physical markers like street intersections,canal bridges,canal roads. 9)Cover up graffiti as soon as discovered, if not report to Salt Lake County Gang Graffiti, or the city that you live in.(Ask the State to enforce Title 76 laws on the books)offenders clean up mess, property damage reinbursement,and help them to upgrade gang laws to current standards needed. 10)Understand that gangs are as diverse as ice cream in a ice cream parlor. Some of it is just teenage behavior, unfortunately it seems to be more and more gang related! 11)Organize neighborhood watches. Thank You to all who attended in Kearns. My Heart goes out to the victims of the last two years of gang and violence in our expanded State Communities.
Salt Lake County Gang Graffiti Study 2005 to ongoing! Support Long Term Systemic Solutions for Systemic Problems. 1)The expansion and focus on education at a very young age G.R.E.A.T, D.A.R.E,project 180, 2)Simplify the ability for parents to access resources such as 211. 3)Enforce gang deterrence thru existing graffiti laws,making the laws actually enforcable,curfew,dress code in schools,and ticketing cars in violation of dark tint and illegal modifications.Implement the enforcement of dress codes in public schools. 4)Make businesses and property owners accountable for not removing or getting help to remove graffiti. 5)Notify police if you see (convenience store like behavior in neighborhoods,homes)people coming and going at all times of the day and night. 6)Be aware of what your children are doing on myspace,facebook,and texting. Be aware of who they are with and if they are getting good grades and attending school.7)Be aware of music they listen to(did that radio station have a 420 hour?), be aware of clothing that is specific to gangs in Utah 8)Be aware of people with back packs, pants or clothing that can carry or conceal spray paint who are hanging out in common graffiti sites like alleys,back of business,corners,public places like parks,parkways,fields with fences with traffic exposure and other physical markers like street intersections,canal bridges,canal roads. 9)Cover up graffiti as soon as discovered, if not report to Salt Lake County Gang Graffiti, or the city that you live in.(Ask the State to enforce Title 76 laws on the books)offenders clean up mess, property damage reinbursement,and help them to upgrade gang laws to current standards needed. 10)Understand that gangs are as diverse as ice cream in a ice cream parlor. Some of it is just teenage behavior, unfortunately it seems to be more and more gang related! 11)Organize neighborhood watches. Thank You to all who attended in Kearns. My Heart goes out to the victims of the last two years of gang and violence in our expanded State Communities.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
The Ongoing Effects of Utah and Americas Gang Crisis - Americas Gang Harm Denial Epidemic
The Ongoing Effects of Utah and Americas Gang Crisis -
Americas Gang Harm Denial Epidemic
Dear Elected Politicians, State, County, City Leaders, and School Administration as well as concerned community members;
As a very concerned citizen of the United States,
Please stop denying that we have a crime, gang, drug abuse addiction and overdose problem and other related social problems which stem from gangs and drugs. Denial that you were not aware of kids in public schools who are gang members starting at elementary school. Denial that for some reason we are immune to the effects of criminal gangs and that there cannot be any gang members in our everyday lives. Being that they frequently do exist in our homes, our churches, our neighborhoods, our schools and our workplaces.
First off, I applaud the efforts of the local and national law enforcement community who works with the gang problem daily here in Utah. I thank all of the Law Enforcement and Public Safety Community nationwide for doing a much underappreciated difficult job. As a non law enforcement member of the Utah community; and having watched gangs spread successfully since about 1995; that in Utah and Nationwide much more needs to be done. The effects of gangs and the crime they are responsible for is extensive.
People may wonder why gangs are spreading in Utah, one of the best states in the U.S. The reason is very simple; we continue to provide them little resistance as law abiding citizens. The lack of resistance is seen as weak laws, weak enforcement and a lack of public awareness campaigns.
The law enforcement community is poorly staffed and there is little if any funding for gang units, and needed enforcement measures. Even prior to recent down turns in the economy many jurisdictions were lacking in resources to deter gangs. If we prioritized gangs in America as Domestic Terrorist we would be much better off as a society.
Why do I say Domestic Terrorists? They terrorize communities; they traffic in and sell drugs to kids. They continue to recruit kids now in elementary school to sell drugs and use drugs. They generate crime thru drive by shootings, crime to pay for drug habits. They rip apart families with drug related violence and domestic violence, abuse of children because of drug use. They terrorize poor, middle class and even upper class neighborhoods as the drug dealers and thugs become more powerful. There is an extensive gang drug cost to society as we all pay for the health system effects related to abuse and addiction, overdose. We all pay for extra security, graffiti removal, property damage, car theft and burglaries as our insurance rates increase. The property we worked hard for to keep depreciates in value as vandalism scourges our neighborhoods, and crime lessens our property market values.
These terrorist groups politely referred to as criminal gangs are in it for the money, the power grab, the turf control, and they do not care who gets in their way. They are smart and change as law enforcement gets closer to controlling them. They use weak laws to their advantage, as repeat felony level graffiti and vandalism goes without proper prosecution. They drive illegally modified vehicles due to lack of enforcement. They rarely get prosecuted with tough laws like the R.I.C.O. ACT and other harsh federal -like penalties, since many states continue to prosecute individuals and individual crimes only.
The weak enforcement and non enforcement of laws currently on the books is partially due to inadequate staff, but also to lack of adequate support of law enforcement by community leaders and politicians. The street knows that police officers cannot be everywhere always; the lack of community support also helps the gangs spread. Lack of community support sometimes goes on until a serious crime brings awareness.
They effectively spread power and influence in public schools at very young age utilizing basic gang attire and fashion gang related attire. Many schools do not teach required classes in gang deterrence or programs similar to D.A.R.E. or G.R.E.A.T. Many schools continue not to enforce dress codes whether by denial or ignorance of the need. The gangs avoid harsher penalties for gang and organized crime, left by gaps in the current laws. These terrorist criminal organizations spread by using the politically correct faces of church going, middle to upper class, non ethnic children to deal drugs in public schools and elsewhere. An example of the perfect public school drug dealer: If lil Johnny a white kid from well educated white parents living in the finest neighborhoods, who goes to church, is the correct front for their gang (as a politically correct figure head leader) of the gang, then when he is recruited the parents usually are clueless. The neighbors and family are clueless as he dresses in Hip Hop Street fashion styles, and modifies his car and clothing attire, and begins to reap the financial rewards of gang affiliation. Take me to your poorest and wealthiest neighborhoods, I will show you the gang activity. No socio economic group is immune to gang presence.
The denial of a gang problem continues to harm us overall as a society. The gangs in Utah are as diverse and varied as the ice cream at your favorite ice cream parlor. Before the Olympics we had most of the gangs, now I can document all of the major gangs of the U.S.A. and many hybrid gangs who dominate areas of Utah.
In Utah when traveling the high speed light rails system: TRAX light rail system on the entire route please notice the many tagger individual and group graffiti artist vandalism incidences. There is as well the gang related frequent graffiti vandalism which coincides with the high visibility area along the TRAX route. These can be prosecuted if the politicians would support the cause. They usually always violate the felony level graffiti vandalism laws on the books. They can be researched and the perpetrator/ perpetrators identified. This is very simple since most have a distinct style, and usually sign for the gang graffiti with a street name (moniker).
And what is the cost to society in graffiti vandalism cleanup. It has to exceed more than $100,000 just in Salt Lake County Utah if you take into consideration the labor and paint cost, fuel to and from the sites etc. What is the actual cost when neighbors have to buy paint and equipment and devote time to vandalism damage?
What I have studied for many years is the overall growth in population of gang members and the related drug crime trends that have spread out across the entire state. The sheer volume of ongoing calls to law enforcement by citizens requesting services that are due to the crime perpetrated by gangs in our communities. These calls frequently are from innocent citizens caught in the middle of gangs who are rivaling over turf. These incidences are paid for ultimately in the loss of innocent lives, property devaluation, and quality of life overall as neighborhoods become blighted. (Gang/Drug crime is typically the majority of the crimes experienced in this state and nationwide.)
This past year we saw the loss of a little angel within our community, an innocent victim. Since then unfortunately more lives have be scarred and lost. At age 7 she was an innocent drive by shooting victim, and I attended her memorial and it was incredibly sad. The reality of many of Utah gangs is the ongoing family disruption that stems from years in the gang. There is also the disruption of families because of drug addiction and crime. Utah has a bad ten year history of drug abuse and addiction, most of the drugs dealt directly by gang members. Salt Lake City has seen huge spikes in specifically in Crack Cocaine, as well as ongoing seizures of Methamphetamine, Heroin, Cocaine Powder, and other drugs. Remembering that Utah was originally one of the highest meth lab seizure states and the epidemic of meth addiction still lingers many years later with record numbers of women on methamphetamine.
Utah gangs spread throughout the state from urban to very rural areas just like in the rest of the United States. The influence of gangs can bee seen in what is considered model areas of conservative society. They are evident in HAPPY VALLEY THE MOVIE, a film about drug addiction in very young children in very conservative non minority areas – Utah County. When kids do not get illegal access to Rx drugs they frequently switch to or co abuse heroin. Street Heroin trafficked in by criminal terrorists groups = gangs.
Thanks also the news media community, without you this would be mostly obscure except for those closest to the impact. Thank you to HBO and History, as well as MSNBC, and BET for programs about gangs and the influence of drugs in society. Thank you for continuing to educate society on the harm of criminal gangs.
The gang and subsequent drug crime appears as violent crime, drug addiction/ abuse, as well as property crime such as car prowls/ break ins, smash and grabs, vandalism, and larceny and burglary to fund drug abuse and gangs. We also as a society in Utah fail to address the social problems which stem from the gang intimidation in areas. The aftermath of what happens when children are afraid to go to schools or walk thru neighborhoods etc. The individual and social impact of lower education quality.
For politicians that are playing the denial of any crime problems card, please attend public school with teachers who work with at risk youth. I will personally be willing to tour you around Utah to public schools to see the gang members attending, and the influence of the gang members on the peer pressures at the school. To do so lets go from the wealthiest of neighborhoods to the poorest and from big city to small town and county schools. Please do this for the sake of our kids, and the sake of our beloved state.
As seen on the websites:,,,, Salt Lake, etc
NON LE.O. Always advocating for proper funding and staffing of Public Safety
Americas Gang Harm Denial Epidemic
Dear Elected Politicians, State, County, City Leaders, and School Administration as well as concerned community members;
As a very concerned citizen of the United States,
Please stop denying that we have a crime, gang, drug abuse addiction and overdose problem and other related social problems which stem from gangs and drugs. Denial that you were not aware of kids in public schools who are gang members starting at elementary school. Denial that for some reason we are immune to the effects of criminal gangs and that there cannot be any gang members in our everyday lives. Being that they frequently do exist in our homes, our churches, our neighborhoods, our schools and our workplaces.
First off, I applaud the efforts of the local and national law enforcement community who works with the gang problem daily here in Utah. I thank all of the Law Enforcement and Public Safety Community nationwide for doing a much underappreciated difficult job. As a non law enforcement member of the Utah community; and having watched gangs spread successfully since about 1995; that in Utah and Nationwide much more needs to be done. The effects of gangs and the crime they are responsible for is extensive.
People may wonder why gangs are spreading in Utah, one of the best states in the U.S. The reason is very simple; we continue to provide them little resistance as law abiding citizens. The lack of resistance is seen as weak laws, weak enforcement and a lack of public awareness campaigns.
The law enforcement community is poorly staffed and there is little if any funding for gang units, and needed enforcement measures. Even prior to recent down turns in the economy many jurisdictions were lacking in resources to deter gangs. If we prioritized gangs in America as Domestic Terrorist we would be much better off as a society.
Why do I say Domestic Terrorists? They terrorize communities; they traffic in and sell drugs to kids. They continue to recruit kids now in elementary school to sell drugs and use drugs. They generate crime thru drive by shootings, crime to pay for drug habits. They rip apart families with drug related violence and domestic violence, abuse of children because of drug use. They terrorize poor, middle class and even upper class neighborhoods as the drug dealers and thugs become more powerful. There is an extensive gang drug cost to society as we all pay for the health system effects related to abuse and addiction, overdose. We all pay for extra security, graffiti removal, property damage, car theft and burglaries as our insurance rates increase. The property we worked hard for to keep depreciates in value as vandalism scourges our neighborhoods, and crime lessens our property market values.
These terrorist groups politely referred to as criminal gangs are in it for the money, the power grab, the turf control, and they do not care who gets in their way. They are smart and change as law enforcement gets closer to controlling them. They use weak laws to their advantage, as repeat felony level graffiti and vandalism goes without proper prosecution. They drive illegally modified vehicles due to lack of enforcement. They rarely get prosecuted with tough laws like the R.I.C.O. ACT and other harsh federal -like penalties, since many states continue to prosecute individuals and individual crimes only.
The weak enforcement and non enforcement of laws currently on the books is partially due to inadequate staff, but also to lack of adequate support of law enforcement by community leaders and politicians. The street knows that police officers cannot be everywhere always; the lack of community support also helps the gangs spread. Lack of community support sometimes goes on until a serious crime brings awareness.
They effectively spread power and influence in public schools at very young age utilizing basic gang attire and fashion gang related attire. Many schools do not teach required classes in gang deterrence or programs similar to D.A.R.E. or G.R.E.A.T. Many schools continue not to enforce dress codes whether by denial or ignorance of the need. The gangs avoid harsher penalties for gang and organized crime, left by gaps in the current laws. These terrorist criminal organizations spread by using the politically correct faces of church going, middle to upper class, non ethnic children to deal drugs in public schools and elsewhere. An example of the perfect public school drug dealer: If lil Johnny a white kid from well educated white parents living in the finest neighborhoods, who goes to church, is the correct front for their gang (as a politically correct figure head leader) of the gang, then when he is recruited the parents usually are clueless. The neighbors and family are clueless as he dresses in Hip Hop Street fashion styles, and modifies his car and clothing attire, and begins to reap the financial rewards of gang affiliation. Take me to your poorest and wealthiest neighborhoods, I will show you the gang activity. No socio economic group is immune to gang presence.
The denial of a gang problem continues to harm us overall as a society. The gangs in Utah are as diverse and varied as the ice cream at your favorite ice cream parlor. Before the Olympics we had most of the gangs, now I can document all of the major gangs of the U.S.A. and many hybrid gangs who dominate areas of Utah.
In Utah when traveling the high speed light rails system: TRAX light rail system on the entire route please notice the many tagger individual and group graffiti artist vandalism incidences. There is as well the gang related frequent graffiti vandalism which coincides with the high visibility area along the TRAX route. These can be prosecuted if the politicians would support the cause. They usually always violate the felony level graffiti vandalism laws on the books. They can be researched and the perpetrator/ perpetrators identified. This is very simple since most have a distinct style, and usually sign for the gang graffiti with a street name (moniker).
And what is the cost to society in graffiti vandalism cleanup. It has to exceed more than $100,000 just in Salt Lake County Utah if you take into consideration the labor and paint cost, fuel to and from the sites etc. What is the actual cost when neighbors have to buy paint and equipment and devote time to vandalism damage?
What I have studied for many years is the overall growth in population of gang members and the related drug crime trends that have spread out across the entire state. The sheer volume of ongoing calls to law enforcement by citizens requesting services that are due to the crime perpetrated by gangs in our communities. These calls frequently are from innocent citizens caught in the middle of gangs who are rivaling over turf. These incidences are paid for ultimately in the loss of innocent lives, property devaluation, and quality of life overall as neighborhoods become blighted. (Gang/Drug crime is typically the majority of the crimes experienced in this state and nationwide.)
This past year we saw the loss of a little angel within our community, an innocent victim. Since then unfortunately more lives have be scarred and lost. At age 7 she was an innocent drive by shooting victim, and I attended her memorial and it was incredibly sad. The reality of many of Utah gangs is the ongoing family disruption that stems from years in the gang. There is also the disruption of families because of drug addiction and crime. Utah has a bad ten year history of drug abuse and addiction, most of the drugs dealt directly by gang members. Salt Lake City has seen huge spikes in specifically in Crack Cocaine, as well as ongoing seizures of Methamphetamine, Heroin, Cocaine Powder, and other drugs. Remembering that Utah was originally one of the highest meth lab seizure states and the epidemic of meth addiction still lingers many years later with record numbers of women on methamphetamine.
Utah gangs spread throughout the state from urban to very rural areas just like in the rest of the United States. The influence of gangs can bee seen in what is considered model areas of conservative society. They are evident in HAPPY VALLEY THE MOVIE, a film about drug addiction in very young children in very conservative non minority areas – Utah County. When kids do not get illegal access to Rx drugs they frequently switch to or co abuse heroin. Street Heroin trafficked in by criminal terrorists groups = gangs.
Thanks also the news media community, without you this would be mostly obscure except for those closest to the impact. Thank you to HBO and History, as well as MSNBC, and BET for programs about gangs and the influence of drugs in society. Thank you for continuing to educate society on the harm of criminal gangs.
The gang and subsequent drug crime appears as violent crime, drug addiction/ abuse, as well as property crime such as car prowls/ break ins, smash and grabs, vandalism, and larceny and burglary to fund drug abuse and gangs. We also as a society in Utah fail to address the social problems which stem from the gang intimidation in areas. The aftermath of what happens when children are afraid to go to schools or walk thru neighborhoods etc. The individual and social impact of lower education quality.
For politicians that are playing the denial of any crime problems card, please attend public school with teachers who work with at risk youth. I will personally be willing to tour you around Utah to public schools to see the gang members attending, and the influence of the gang members on the peer pressures at the school. To do so lets go from the wealthiest of neighborhoods to the poorest and from big city to small town and county schools. Please do this for the sake of our kids, and the sake of our beloved state.
As seen on the websites:,,,, Salt Lake, etc
NON LE.O. Always advocating for proper funding and staffing of Public Safety
Gang Influence in media, general questions, and graffiti sites
F.Y.I and General Questions:
Were you aware that in Utah a Radio Station has a 420 HOUR (420 Street Name For Marijuana)
Glory days! Holmes, Steelers rally, win Super Bowl
February 1st, 2009 @ 9:13pm
By BEN WALKER AP National Writer
TAMPA, Fla. (AP) - From selling drugs on the street corner to Super Bowl MVP. Now that's a story Santonio Holmes will share forever.
In a game that stunningly got better with every play, the Pittsburgh Steelers saved their very best for the end.
Somehow, Holmes managed to keep his feet planted in the end zone as he pulled in Ben Roethlisberger's pass for a 6-yard touchdown with 35 seconds left, and the Steelers shocked the Arizona Cardinals 27-23 Sunday for their record sixth Super Bowl championship.,, do a search type in your city, or type in gang,
As a parent, have you listened to what your teens and younger kids are listening to ?
As a parent in the last 6 months was a trained Police K9 unit searching lockers in your child’s school? If No, then why NOT?
Major Graffiti Locations nearby Kearns High School:
(1)**(adjacent to the Kearns High School property just barely east is a inside railroad overpass (take a look inside many gallons of gang paint is there) from the north east parking lot. Smaller damage appears just behind the corner businesses -View the businesses just barely east (convenience store back)and south behind the high school .This can also be accessed on the east side of the rail tracks walking toward the school. Go the back north east edge of the Kearns High School Parking Lot and get out look of car and look! The rail tracks have many gallons of paint used in gang graffiti and tags (not visible from the road underneath) inside the above ground part that crosses over the 5400 South overpass. ((((HIGHLY Visible when there length of a school bus or more)))))
** Directly across from the school main central entrance – go towards the recreational center. Follow parking lot west until toward the empty field and houses (notice the very serious but fading graffiti on the wall, if you have a difficult time seeing it look for the three x marks towards back right side of parking lot near houses. ((((harder to find )))
***In nearby West Valley City / Taylorsville boundary 4065 South just barely east of Redwood Road intersection looking behind look at the damage behind the corner of the shopping mall containing Smiths Grocery and the many smaller stores. There are 5 or more large graffiti damage sites, some contain serious threats between gangs. Enter area from 3900 South/4100 South side of parking lot
GPS coordinates: 40*40’57.59”N , 111* 56’ 13.45”W
Were you aware that in Utah a Radio Station has a 420 HOUR (420 Street Name For Marijuana)
Glory days! Holmes, Steelers rally, win Super Bowl
February 1st, 2009 @ 9:13pm
By BEN WALKER AP National Writer
TAMPA, Fla. (AP) - From selling drugs on the street corner to Super Bowl MVP. Now that's a story Santonio Holmes will share forever.
In a game that stunningly got better with every play, the Pittsburgh Steelers saved their very best for the end.
Somehow, Holmes managed to keep his feet planted in the end zone as he pulled in Ben Roethlisberger's pass for a 6-yard touchdown with 35 seconds left, and the Steelers shocked the Arizona Cardinals 27-23 Sunday for their record sixth Super Bowl championship.,, do a search type in your city, or type in gang,
As a parent, have you listened to what your teens and younger kids are listening to ?
As a parent in the last 6 months was a trained Police K9 unit searching lockers in your child’s school? If No, then why NOT?
Major Graffiti Locations nearby Kearns High School:
(1)**(adjacent to the Kearns High School property just barely east is a inside railroad overpass (take a look inside many gallons of gang paint is there) from the north east parking lot. Smaller damage appears just behind the corner businesses -View the businesses just barely east (convenience store back)and south behind the high school .This can also be accessed on the east side of the rail tracks walking toward the school. Go the back north east edge of the Kearns High School Parking Lot and get out look of car and look! The rail tracks have many gallons of paint used in gang graffiti and tags (not visible from the road underneath) inside the above ground part that crosses over the 5400 South overpass. ((((HIGHLY Visible when there length of a school bus or more)))))
** Directly across from the school main central entrance – go towards the recreational center. Follow parking lot west until toward the empty field and houses (notice the very serious but fading graffiti on the wall, if you have a difficult time seeing it look for the three x marks towards back right side of parking lot near houses. ((((harder to find )))
***In nearby West Valley City / Taylorsville boundary 4065 South just barely east of Redwood Road intersection looking behind look at the damage behind the corner of the shopping mall containing Smiths Grocery and the many smaller stores. There are 5 or more large graffiti damage sites, some contain serious threats between gangs. Enter area from 3900 South/4100 South side of parking lot
GPS coordinates: 40*40’57.59”N , 111* 56’ 13.45”W
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Gang Related Teenager shootings West Valley, Kearns,Taylorsville area 2009 January
Gang related machete attack and shooting January 2009 Friday
Gang related suspect arrested
less than one week later on the Tuesday just after the Friday shooting above a teenager is gunned down near Kearns High School = gang related
Gang related machete attack and shooting January 2009 Friday
Gang related suspect arrested
less than one week later on the Tuesday just after the Friday shooting above a teenager is gunned down near Kearns High School = gang related
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