Thursday, May 7, 2009

Budget cuts may force sheriff's office to lay off K-9s

Salt Lake County, Utah
Budget cuts may force sheriff's office to lay off K-9sThe Salt Lake County Sheriff's Office had to cut roughly $5 million from Corrections, and they still have more cuts to make from the law enforcement side. All departments are being considered, and even the dogs in the K-9 unit could lose their jobs.
May 6th, 2009 @ 11:19pm
By Paul Nelson
as seen on

The number one is that the population of the State has drastically increased in recent years. The gang and substance abuse issues that relate to crime have also increased.
Violence such as home invasion robberies, Pharmacy robberies and the frequency of drive by shootings has also increased (more than would be expected in what is considered a mellow State),
When resources where available in past years they were NOT used for Law Enforcement and Public Safety in Utah. Now of course harsher economic times lead many elected officials to try to cut back, I SAY NO! You did not have enough jail space to begin with. You did not have enough Adult Probation and Parole Officers to begin with. You have police departments and publicly funded transit that still is lacking necessary staff. But now you wish as elected officials to cut back on what was not wasteful to begin with!
To All of the Brave who have suffered and died due to Methamphetamine Lab Exposure, and all of the other things that take the lives of heroic officers in the line of duty,
I will continue to advocate for Public Safety As a PRIORITY in Utah.

As Commented on :Utah and Americas Gang PUBLIC SAFETY = NUMBER ONE PRIORITY
Report Comment by Utah Gang Graffiti Researcher @ 1:28am - Thu May 7th, 2009
There are many reasons not to cut back on any Public Safety or Law Enforcement Related Programs. The number one is that the population of the State has drastically increased in recent years. The gang and substance abuse issues that relate to crime have also increased. type in your zipcode. (for those who have lived in Utah for most or all of their lives)Thinking back five years, how many home invasion robberies occured then? How many pharmacies were being robbed for oxycontin? Violence such as home invasion robberies, Pharmacy robberies and the frequency of drive by shootings has also increased (more than would be expected in what is considered a mellow State),Utah is a wonderful State,now why is the crime continuing? When resources where available in past years they were NOT used for Law Enforcement and Public Safety in Utah. Now of course harsher economic times lead many elected officials to try to cut back, I SAY NO! You did not have enough jail space to begin with. You did not have enough Adult Probation and Parole Officers to begin with. You have police departments and publicly funded transit that still is lacking necessary staff. But now you wish as elected officials to cut back on what was not wasteful to begin with! To All of the Brave who have suffered and died due to Methamphetamine Lab Exposure, and all of the other things that take the lives of heroic officers in the line of duty, I will continue to advocate for Public Safety As a PRIORITY in Utah. When you truly care about the State you live in, you address the social problems. Some in the Legislature and our Honorable Govenor, as well as SLCO Mayor have done great things in recent years. They enhanced and tightened the gang laws and more. The issue is we have much more to do, not less.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

GANG CRIME UTAH related websites and links
Glendale Gang Drive By 800 West 1300 South 05/05/09 gang tattoos identify
AB Home Invasion Robbery Midvale

Changes Still Needed To Reduce Gang Harm in Utah and elsewhere

Thank You to all Utah legislators who stood up and said enhance the gang laws! Thank You to all who still work with the gang problem in Utah.

Improvements Needed: (1) Funding and resources for Adult Probation and Parole officers. The gang problem and the amount of violence in our communities is not decreasing, we need necessary staff in place to deal with the ongoing issues. (2) Prosecuting Attorneys that stand up and say NO to the harm of gangs thru enhancement of offenses utilizing laws already on the books.(3) Prosecuting Attorneys that prosecute gang related offenses such as graffiti so that citizens of the county do not have to continue to pay for the damage (yes we do have the technology to punish offenders).(4) Jail space that addresses the current crime and incarceration trends. After Incarceration thru programs for offenders who have been released to help them stay out of gangs. This is extremely important when the difficulty in getting employment increased with the current recession. (5)Every school in every community needs to have mandatory drug and gang awareness training, programs such as GREAT and recommended programs by the Department of Justice for older children and adults.(6) Teachers would have mandatory training - this would include understanding the significance of graffiti,” flying colors”, bullying, how drug dealing occurs in public schools, and what are symptoms of drug abuse and addiction.(7)Schools would have random drug searches by Canine Units. This would include lockers, backpacks, parking lots, and student cars.