Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Drug dealer calls the cops on his customers Utah Kids (heroin addicts)attempt to rob their dealer with gun and hammer. Please take a look at the kids on the link they seem to be pretty cleancut by all standings.Utah Heroin distributed by street gangs via the drug Cartels.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009 - Fugitive caught following chase in SL County - Fugitive caught following chase in SL County

Okay, enough paperwork errors causing incorrect releases of violent offenders. Thank you to all who risked their lives in Public Safety once again to apprehend this violent career criminal and gang member. - Family members from rival gangs involved in shooting

In A Family Values State Where Public Schools do not enforce dress code that helps deter gang violence. Where Statewide School Districts do not have 24 hour onsite patrols or officers devoted to just one high school or middle school. Where gang deterrence is not a priority in the classroom because little if any gang and substance abuse deterrence is taught openly. Where State wide local law enforcement has its hands and finances tied up to properly deter the spread of gangs within public schools. Ogden should be happy that this did not occur on public school property. No neighborhood, or school is immune to gang and drug related violence.

Politicians and School Boards need to do the right thing and be proactive right now! Thank you to all of the recent Utah Attorney General related SECURE TASK FORCE improvements. Thank you to those in the legislature which tightened the gang laws in 2008. Okay School Boards and most of the communities nationwide, you need to get with the program of gang deterrence before problems like those in Modesto and Oakland California ( gangwars Oakland)spread here in full force.

Do Not Blame Law Enforcement, Blame the politicans and school districts which have done nothing and continue to do nothing.

Independent Non Paid Community Advocate and Gang Researcher since 2004/2005,Salt Lake County gang ongoing study!
In Loving Memory of All Who Have Died of Community Violence! - Family members from rival gangs involved in shooting

Friday, October 23, 2009 - Herbert sounds off on controversial issues during monthly press conference

$426,000 UTAH 2009 that should have gone to the public schools to battle such things as gang violence, substance abuse prevention and teen pregnancy among other very important education issues!
The independent state agency manages 3.4 million acres of trust lands for the financial benefit of Utah public schools. On Wednesday, lawmakers learned that six people received the bonuses worth $426,000. The bonuses were doubled this year because of a legislative mandate prohibiting bonuses next year. - Herbert sounds off on controversial issues during monthly press conference - Leadership summit will address gang violence

Thank you To Utah Polynesian Community For Your Involvement in Helping To Reduce The Spread Of Gang Violence. May We All Learn To End The Violence. - Leadership summit will address gang violence

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Longterm Commitment to Ending Teen Violence

Beating 'a call to action' OCTOBER 7th 2009
United States Attorney General Holder says a videotaped beating death of a Chicago teen is a 'call to action' to fight teen violence.